The EL develops standards (such as performance metrics, testing methods, reference materials, etc.) and meets the measurement science needs for technology-intensive manufacturing, construction, and cyber-physical systems, including the Smart Grid Program. The laboratory also promotes the development of new advanced manufacturing and construction technologies for U.S. industries.
Examples of Research Activities: Innovative fire protection, sustainable manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing (such as automation, robotics, and equipment), net-zero-energy buildings, integrated and automated construction processes, new building materials and systems, economic impacts, and disaster-resilient structures.
Relevant Academic Interests and Coursework: Physics, chemistry, computer science, statistics, economics, and engineering physics (Students interested in electrical engineering should apply to PML).
The Summer High School Intern Program (SHIP) is a NIST-wide summer intern program for students who will have finished their junior or senior year of high school by the start of the program and are interested in scientific research only. All other high school applicants who do not want a summer research position should go to NIST Student Employment Programs for information on other NIST Programs. Students selected for this competitive volunteer program will participate in cutting-edge research at NIST, and will work closely with NIST staff scientists and engineers on a specific research problem.
During their tenure at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD, the students will not be paid, and are expected to provide their own housing and transportation. The program requires a commitment for a contiguous 8-week period (nominal hours of 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM). This program is open only to United States citizens.
The following links will provide more information about SHIP:
The online application, including letters of recommendation, is accepting applications only between January 1 and February 14, 2023.
The 8-week program is tentatively scheduled to start on Tuesday, June 21, 2023. The SHIP poster sessions (which all students are required to attend and participate in) will be held August 9-11, 2023 for Gaithersburg, MD/ August 10-11, 2023 for Boulder, CO.
If you have any additional questions, please write to .
The Engineering Laboratory promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology for engineered systems in ways that enhance economic security and improve quality of life.
To be the world’s leader in measurement science, standards, and technology vital to innovation in engineered systems that benefit society
To benefit society by enabling better engineering.
i) _Safety: _We are committed to the safety and health of all those involved in or affected by our work.
ii) People: We value and support an engaged, diverse, and collaborative workforce positioned for success.
iii) Integrity: We are objective, ethical, and honest and hold ourselves accountable.
iv) _Excellence: _We deliver world-class performance and continuous improvement in all we do.
v) _Impact: _We strive to create the largest benefit for our stakeholders with all of our resources.
Develop standards of measurement for tech-intensive manufacturing, and cyber-physical systems.
Apply Now