We want to see a world driven by passion, interest and impact that's never blocked by inequity. That lofty mission begins with us, our nonprofit as whole and our team members as individuals.
Any high school team member gets exclusive access to Riley's Way professional development workshops & network.
We focus on personal goals and ensure that every team member is closer to their dream skillset.
The Generation is a PSVA certified nonprofit. Collect tangible records of your dedication to educational equity.
Entry level roles get 60 PTO days for service and internal work expectations. All of our roles give you time to explore other jobs as well.
An organization without values is an organization without structure.
Bring true value to our students, and the rest will follow.
Enable others to thrive and reach new heights.
We always strive to improve and expand our knowledge. We are honest with weaknesses and issues and focus on finding solutions and ideas.
Every member of our team is supercharged with the ability to take initiative and shape The Generation in their own eyes.
We are the movers and shakers behind a platform that students rely on. Start somewhere & iterate when necessary.
We always look for better solutions no matter how radical they may appear and do tasks to unlock bigger things.